Rigged (2008)
Real dirty fight flick.
18 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
MILLION DOLLAR BABY is a pantywaist compared to RIGGED. As good as that acclaimed movie is, RIGGED is just as real and powerful as FIGHT CLUB. And Rebecca Neuenswander is a knockout. FIGHT NIGHT is about the underground boxing circuit...from Dalhart, Texas to Tulsa, Oklahoma and Kansas City, Missouri to Miami, Florida. Michael Dublin(Chad Ortis)is a full-time con man, a product of the circuit traveling from town to town with one scam to another. You have to get in line to get a piece of him...enemies outnumber his friends. Dublin comes across the best scam of his career when he meets Katherine Parker(Neuenswander), a female bare-knuckled fighter that possess more skills than any man twice her size. Dublin and Katherine hit the road with what he calls 'fight-rigging, in-reverse'. Every abandoned warehouse, country fair and seedy basement bar seems more and more like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Dublin's extra shady past was meant to catch up with him as the stakes get higher and danger is just a left jab away. Even the relationship between Katherine and 'Dub' travels to an unexpected place.

Brutal violence and strong language star equally in this hard punching drama. Others in the cast: Kurt Hanover, David Alan Graf, DeeDee Arps and John Wilson.
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