It was a Margaret O'Brien treat!
16 April 2009
I don't know what rating to rate my movie for 9.5 or 10.0 it was a just too great of a fantasy movie for me to rate such a low rating. Margaret O'Brien was charming, adorable, and a nice little treat to watch even though she is not in the movie all the time, but still, she was nice with the crying and the acting that I'll will just wait a ten for. She was great in Meet me in St. Louis and she was great in this one. I would really desire for this movie to be released on DVD in Amazon or something because 3-4 weeks ago, I have just finished this movie on VHS tape and I thought it was a really good movie to recommend to old movie fans. I would have to say Margaret O'Brien is probably great in all her movies although I haven't seen all of them yet, but I am looking forward to checking all of her child stars movies out before checking her when she was older like The secret garden-older. Margaret O'Brien has just been great acting like every time she cried, I started tearing up and started sobbing a little like MMISL she was really great playing "Tootie" and her little cry at the end. Margaret O'Brien is just a great character to adore as much as little Bailee Madison or Judith Barsi. They were really close to tearing up the audience near Margaret O'Brien but if Judith Barsi was still here, I would be very happy about that that she will be great as an Adult and teenanger.
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