Chaplin's has a hazardous day out with the family...
16 April 2009
All of the deft comic touches one expects from a Charlie Chaplin short are in full bloom here. By far the best sequence is the boat chapter, wherein the shipboard characters attempt dancing on a rocky boat and everyone succumbs to seasickness. The gags are amusing, especially when Charlie enrages a jealous man by paying too much attention to the man's wife. Another very funny gag has him trying to assemble a deck chair aboard ship. Naturally, he makes the most of all his comic moments.

The final sequence, called "Crossroads," deals with a traffic incident involving an irate traffic cop and some tar. Once again, Chaplin extracts every bit of humor out of a "stuck in traffic" situation.

Edna Purviance has little to do. It's virtually all Chaplin, since he wrote, produced and directed it.

It's up to the Chaplin standard for a comedy short.
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