CardCaptors (I) (2000–2003)
One Of The Best Anime I've Ever Seen!
12 April 2009
Brilliant. That's one word that describes this show. And so it should. Cardcaptors (Named "Cardcaptor Sakura" In Japan) is one of the most magical & brilliantly thought up anime's in the world. It begins when Sakura Avalon ("Sakura Kinomoto In Japan) finds a mysterious book in her basement. She decides to open it, to discover mystical cards named "Clow Cards" inside. Accidentally, she summons the "Windy Card" by looking at it, and causes all of the 53 (The 53rd Card is the card in the second movie) cards to fly out of the book, disappearing. "Keroberos", nicknamed Kero is the guardian beast of the Clow Cards. It is his duty to recognize Sakura as a Cardcaptor. Along with Kero, her best friend, Madison (Tomoyo), enemy & sometimes ally, Li Showron, & Li's longtime friend (Cousin In the original), Meilin Rae join in the fun and adventure! Spanning over 2 (3 In the original) seasons & 2 Movie's (Cardcaptors-The Movie & Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie 2-The Sealed Card) Cardcaptors is one of the most amazing anime's ever created. Hugely recommended. And I have just recently created a petition about Cardcaptors. The petition is to "Bring Cardcaptors Back To DVD"! I would greatly appreciate it if anyone would love to sign my petition. I ask you of your time to do so, and tell people to do so as well, and to spread the word! Here is the link to my petition:
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