Review of Catacombs

Catacombs (2007)
Kind of horrendous
4 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There needs to be a moratorium on American horror movies being made in Europe. I love European horror movies - they're really kicking our butts right now with that stuff. But American movies, made over there? ugh. What ends up happening is almost all secondary roles are filled by random Euro actors, speaking English with weird Euro accents. This movie may be the worst example of this - but also check out the Blade and Underworld series for examples of what I call Over-Eurofication. Nothing against our brothers and sisters overseas, though.

Also, don't bother making a horror movie without attempting to make a likable lead. Filmmakers, it's hard to empathize with pretty little petite women. Men resent them for not going out with us, and women dislike them because they are so outrageously skinny. Instead, how about an attractive, but more normal sized man or woman? The Hostel movies make a similar mistake by forcing us to root for a bunch of frat Boy-types - and no one, but no one, likes them. The reason Judd Apatow movies do well, and the only reason, is that people generally like shlubby, decent guys. They are nonthreatening, so we are not threatened. Keep it in mind.

Another thing, don't attempt a full-length movie with 2 pages of script, unless you're some kind of genius artiste. This movie had a 10 minute setup, the obligatory 5 minute goth rave (see blade et al), and then 70 minutes of a tunnel chase. I've seen it before: it's called Quake, and it's better with rocket launchers.

And the twist ending? OMG (and I am loathe to use that term). The whole point of the movie is a prank? The payoff after the twist is somewhat satisfying, watching the pixie-ish heroine lay waste to her annoying b***h sister and her euro-trash minions.

And Pink? Girl actually can act - and is perfect as the Worst Woman in the World - she can sing too! Though it's not my kind of music. This is not my kind of movie.
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