The X-Files: All Things (2000)
Season 7, Episode 17
Intangible Emotions
1 April 2009
How do we convey profound connection to an 'other'? How can we feel strongly towards spirituality that we don't believe in? Why do we feel obligated towards figures of the distant past? How can a simple situation overwhelm us?

All Things deals with one of the most difficult objects to film: intangible emotions. Emotions that go beyond being sad, happy, or confused. Emotions that make you sit down and really think out: "What the hell was I just feeling?" I've read comments about this episode that complain that it isn't an X-File. In the tradition of Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, I ask: Why explore other worlds when there is so much of ourselves left unexplored? How well do we really understand these vague, alien dynamics we feel towards ourselves and others? Gillian Anderson offers a depictions of these difficult emotions through original and deeply artistic direction, paired with masterful acting.

On top of that, All Things provides an new and interesting lens through which we can view Scully. She can seem utterly in control of her environments and competent as an individual, yet internally feel lost, confused, and perhaps helpless. Unfortunately, this is a concept that seasons eight and nine failed to follow through with. Instead, we are to settle with just one brief, beautiful glimpse into the potential of Scully's character. All in all, this isn't the slickest X-File, but it is certainly the most emotional for me. Submit to Gillian Anderson's artistic vision and she will show you the way.
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