Scrubs: My New Old Friend (2003)
Season 2, Episode 12
Has anyone noticed that 8 minutes into the episode
1 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When JD and Elliot are about to talk about JD's feelings for her, and JD distracts The Todd by tossing an imaginary ball out into the hallway, there's a bulletin board in the background that has the word "league" misspelled? I just thought that was funny. It says "Bowling Leauge". Do the producers not know how to spell simple words like "leauge"? And how come nobody caught this prior to the episode being filmed? All the stagehands must have been either stupid, lazy or both. This was a really good episode, by the way. The writers for Scrubs are AMAZING at being able to weave in so much personal drama between JD and Elliot in such a small time slot. They can go from being passionate lovers in one episode to "just friends" in the next, all the while leaving the viewer able to discern the character's true feelings for each other. Simply amazing. This was probably one of the best seasons in the entire shows' history. No doubt.
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