How can this be rated so high ?!?
27 March 2009
We tried to watch this yesterday and I have no idea how this major bore of a movie can be rated so high (7.2, are you insane ?). I don't normally comment on movies I don't like, I figure if there are people who like them, good for them. But here I am really surprised not to see this movie in the bottom 10.

First of all, it's horribly acted; the main actress is barely OK, but the rest of the cast (particularly the mother) has awful rhythm, glances at the camera, etc. The dialogs, which are the only thing the movie rests on, are so bad they are laughable. Then the movie is slow, oh so slow. To say that nothing ever happens would be an understatement.

And the story itself is uninteresting: "woman unsatisfied by her men dreams of the perfect man which she remembers from a vacation fling". Great. We can all relate, except that we aren't half as dumb as she is. I wanted to slap some sense into her (just like in Gone with the Wind).

But the final draw is that it is utterly predictable: after half an hour of watching this 2-hour long turd, I told my wife how I thought it would end and I went to read a book. She watched it (in fast forward) to the end and I had the ending spot on. And by the way, don't say that it is a woman's movie: she hated it too ! I only give ratings of 1 to movies I left or fell asleep halfway through and there are less than 10 in this category. Movies I hate deeply but watched completely get a 2.
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