A Very Touching Experience.
23 March 2009
I've always been a fan of both Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson films, but I was quite surprised to learn that they would be starring side-by-side in a film. To be honest, it intrigued me, and not knowing what to expect, I decided to pick up 'The Bucket List' and see what all the hype was about. Let's just say that my expectations were met...

... and exceeded. What I experienced when watching this movie was a truly touching story about two men about to 'kick the bucket' with dreams still unrealized. The movie follows the happenings of these two men as they journey throughout the world, living the experiences they've only dreamed about.

Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson - both legends in the film industry. On-screen together, they have a certain chemistry that you can't help but love. I found myself being swept into their lives, living their experiences, feeling the pain that they felt. Freeman and Nicholson give two amazing performances. In the beginning, they were strangers, but in the end, they were friends. And that is perhaps the most touching part of the entire film: seeing their friendship build and prosper as the film goes on.

To conclude, see this film. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman's performances are ones not to be missed. You will be moved by the incredible chemistry these two men exhibit on-screen, and discover the value of friendship.
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