Love Actually (2003)
Terrible but accurate portrayal of cringeworthy aspects of British culture
14 March 2009
I wanted to see this after recommende by a friend but I found it so embrassingly bad that after 30 minutes I had to leave. The problems: all too typical British stereotypes, poor one dimensional characters, the over emphasis on sex, infidelity etc and not real love, and the cringeworthy subtle anti-americanism. Plenty of foul-mouthed characters who are superficial on every level (unloveable and a cliché). It's very soap opera-ish and not really a comedy. This film made me embarrassed to be British, it sort of highlights all the worst aspects of the culture here in some ways... if you'd like to see a real romantic film, try "il mare" or for romantic comedy try "my sassy girl" (Yeopgijeogin geunyeo). Made me angry, but if you love the British societal culture here and love the typical British insular and short-sighted way of life you'll probably love it.
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