The Wrestler (2008)
And the Oscar goes to...
10 March 2009
...SEAN PENN! But it's not Mickey fault! This movie could have been excellent...

...if the script was original, professional and bright. Unfortunately, it's incredible tacky, dusty, amateurish, predictable, spark-less. Somebody should tell Siegel: THIS job and SCRIPT writing are TWO very difficult things!

...if the directing was creative, stylish, dramatic and deep. Alas, it's amorphous, old-fashioned, repetitive, slow-paced and shallow. Where is THAT Aronofsky who created the troubling "Requiem for a Dream"? Or even the spectacular failure "The Fountain"?

...if Randy "The Ram" Robinson was a vivid, complex, compelling character. But he's only a carbon copy of Rocky Balboa, Billy the Champ and Sergiu Nicolaescu (from "Ringul" and "Supravietuitorul" - don't worry, I know you don't know what I'm talking about, and it's okay, you are excused), all into one. He's flat. He's cliché. He's papier-mâché.

...if Michael Jackson didn't come two days ago to the limelight, to announce his coming-back so that he'll be able to retire for good. However, Michael, with his good and bad sides, is at least honest. In comparison, Mickey's coming back stands up as even more ridiculous.

Such a pity... :(
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