Review of Summerslam

Summerslam (1994 TV Special)
The "E" gets Nielsen and the Hart brothers collide
8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There were some major goings on in the WWE as Summerslam 1994 came along. To begin with the evil Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation had become huge. He had signed the dangerous Bam Bam Bigelow to his stable and was making a serious bid for the tag titles. DiBiase was also at the centre of one of the biggest story lines of the night. The Undertaker had disappeared from the WWE after losing a casket match to Yokozuna at the Royal Rumble, but DiBiase claimed he had found the Undertaker and signed him to the Million Dollar Corporation. Undertaker's long time manager Paul Bearer then claimed that DiBiase's Undertaker was a fake and that he would produce the true Undertaker at Summerslam. The WWE must have been uncertain of this because Leslie Nielsen of Naked Gun fame was bought into investigate.

Anyway, let's get to the matches, because I could use my word limit talking about this Undertaker vs Undertaker nonsense. The night started off with the Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu) lost to the Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam Bigelow and Irwin R Shyster) by DQ, but retained the WWE Titles. This was a fun match with Lou Albano, Afa and Ted DiBIase at ringside. Shyster really was an under rated mid card bad guy. The Shrinkers had been about to win when Ted DiBiase distracted the referee. Albano was not happy, Afa decided to sneak into the ring and clock Shyster, but the ref saw it and so we had a DQ.

Next up we saw the Women's Championship defended by Alundra Blayze against the gigantic monster Bull Nakano with another monster, Luna Vachon, in her corner. Blayze won a decent match despite Vachon interfering after Nakano missed a diving leg drop.

It was now time for Diesel, accompanied by Shawn Michaels, to defend the Intercontinental Championship against Razor Ramon, the man he'd defeated to win the title a few months earlier. Ramon and Diesel put on an entertaining match with Michaels making his presence felt. But his interference back fired in the end as he accidentally super kicked Diesel while aiming for Ramon. Ramon takes advantage to get the pin and win back the IC Title.

In the next match Tatanka finally turned on Lex Luger, joining the Million Dollar Corporation after months of hinting. Going into the match, DiBIase claimed he had signed Luger, but it was a double cross. DiBiase helped Tatanka to win a passable match and then had Tatanka perform the Million Dollar Dream on Luger.

Jeff Jarret then defeated Mabel in a nothing match. Mabel tried to hit a big move, Jarrett got out of the way and used momentum to pin him.

The next match is the biggest match of the night as the Hart family collided as Bret Hart put his WWE CHampionship on the line against Owen in a steel cage match. Bret's former tag team partner had made it clear he was on Owen's side, but in the lead up to the fight, Bret's brother in law, The British Bulldog, had returned and sided with Bret. The cage was bought in to stop the family interfering in the match. This is a very good thing as this match turned out to be an absolute scorcher with some great spots, including Bret suplexing Owen off the top of the cage. Both Hart's climbed to the outside of the cage for the climax. Bret ended up winning after Owen got his leg tangled in the cage. Owen and Neidhart then threw Bret inside the ring, locking the door and started a beatdown, with the Bulldog eventually climbing the cage to scare them away. This was awesome stuff.

This brings us to the bizarre main event. Leslie Nielsen solved the mystery of the Undertaker, but it was Paul Bearer who came to the ring with a casket. There's a cool light show then the Undertaker returns. DiBiase then came out with his fake Undertaker and they have a match. The biggest problem here is the crowd is confused. Both guys look similar and it must have been difficult to work out who was who, Anyway, the real Undertaker won. The crowd cheered and the show was over.

Not a great event, but Bret/ Owen alone is worth watching the show for. The rest of it ties together, with most of the matches being about DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation.
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