Review of Scourge

Scourge (2008)
Cliché-ridden horror movie
8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie takes the typical small town where the misunderstood kid from the wrong side of the tracks is blamed for a series of murders actually caused by an ancient creature that was soaked in a bottle of wine for 130 years and buried under a church. (Gee, why isn't the nice, clean-cut, churchgoing valedictorian ever the hero of a film like this? No, no, it's going to be the kid destined to a petty criminal record and menial jobs for the rest of his life!)

The performances had some funny moments, like when the leading lady had to get the current host of the creature to go with her, she said "I'm going to sleep with the fattest ugliest guy in the bar." Yup, prejudice against the overweight is the last acceptable bigotry in PC America.

Of course, you have to check your logic at the door, such as if the Church has special investigators who hunt these things and have had for centuries, how did they miss this one when it was secretly buried IN A CHURCH!

The other bit of illogic is that each host is attacked, apparently doesn't remember having a nasty worm like alien enter their body, and never think to seek medical help when their bodies start giving out on them. "Gee, a big chunk of my forehead just popped off, maybe I should see someone about that!"
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