Well, **** me, I'm officially blown away.
7 March 2009
I knew i was watching something special from the moment it began. Those scenes were some evil looking dogs are running down a nightly street with some dark techno music in the background. It has a greet feel to it and looks superb. As it turns out the movie isn't that great looking throughout, its a bit uneven in this respect, but if you like the style enough it wont matter.

Reminding quite a bit of Waking Life and in style (though not really, this is actually animated) and last years Persepolis (in how it fills us in with a piece of history we aren't familiar with). The story in itself is pretty simple. Its about a ex-soldier who is troubled by the fact that he doesn't remember much of the war, just some brief but intriguing flamages, and decides to seek up his former war-buddies and shed some light on it all. His journey is also ours.

The directing shines throughout. The use of music is exceptional (for instance the scene with "This Is Not A Love Song", or the "Waltz For Bashir shooting scene in the streets, or that certain flashback/dream sequence for that matter). There are plenty of scenes through to both amuse us and perplex us. But through the animation we are still kept at an armslenght from reality. Until the end. This is what truly makes this film, not only a good one, but one of the best of the year. How it ties everything together in the last scene where the camera (in the protagonists head) breaks. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
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