"Where others fail - I get action"!!!!!
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fast paced actioner, with a novel way to finish and nothing really too complicated. Adele Mara had a very healthy career and she was a very lovely adornment to the many movies she appeared in, even if they were only programmers.

Johnny Strange (Warren Douglas)of Action Incorporated, is a private investigator, who is thinking of hiring a private secretary, when a mysterious Miss Smith (Adele Mara) breezes in and takes over in a very efficient but nice way. He accepts a job from another mysterious lady and finds he is set up for the murder of Anthony Fitch, a well known radio personality, who has many enemies. The mysterious lady and Miss Smith are the same - she is trying to protect her sister, who is wanted for the murder. William Frawley, long before his "I Love Lucy" days, plays Detective Webb, who is called in to investigate. Miss Smith, who just happens to be around, concocts a story that is not true but gets Johnny off.

Johnny goes back to the scene of the crime to find out the truth and finds a record in the rubbish bin. Also the old caretaker has seen everything and pays Miss Smith a visit - he is returning her disguise he saw her put in the incinerator and wants a payment. When Johnny plays the record, he recognises the singer as Rhoda (Virgina Christine) a girl he used to know when she was a singer south of the border. Ricardo Cortez makes an always welcome appearance as Duke York, the owner of the Penguin Club and also an old friend of Johnnys.

Miss Smith's sister, Anne (Martha Montgomery) enters the scene and tells how she was involved with Fitch - he was blackmailing her. She had been involved with a gangster and was now married to a politician. How the murderer is found out is achieved as a radio broadcast with everyone in the film playing their parts in front of microphones. It is an interesting ending to a very recommended film.
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