The Cunning Little Vixen (2003 TV Movie)
The Cunning Little Vixen was a wonderfully animated version of Leos Janacek's opera
25 February 2009
Just watched this animated featurette of Leos Janacek's opera as directed by Geoff Dunbar on YouTube. It's mainly about a female fox who as a child gets taken from her mother to this man's house. Three months later as an adult, she escapes but not before killing all the chickens that her master and his wife had raised. Back in the forest, she meets a male fox and falls for him. After she gets pregnant, he agrees to marry her...I'll stop right there and say this was a pretty touching story of this lady fox and her adventures despite her brutal nature concerning other animals. Both the music and the voices chosen to verbalize the story are wonderfully played throughout. And Dunbar's animation provide some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen in an animated project. So with all that said, I highly recommend The Cunning Little Vixen.
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