Review of Marauders

Star Trek: Enterprise: Marauders (2002)
Season 2, Episode 6
Seven Samurai in Space
20 February 2009
Yep, after the first 15 minutes of the episode I knew it was going to be a Seven Samurai in space. If you seen the movie then save your time from watching this episode. The plot's the same as half of Voyager's episodes - people in trouble how can we help the other half - Gilligan's Island. I'll admit I rarely watched Voyager because when your first enemy has interstellar space travel but can't make water? Need I say more. I think "Marauders" epitomizes why Enterprise was canceled and I started to tune out. The writers and people in control of the show didn't care. As proof look at Battlestar Galactica it didn't need a couple seasons to find it's legs and it's written from a former Star Trek:TNG writer. Through re-runs on Sci-fi channel I have watched season 4 episodes and overall it had the best episodes of Enterprise unfortunately it was too little too late.
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