Soft-core porn
19 February 2009
The difference between soft-core porn and hard core is that they try to make up for the lack of graphic sex with lame attempts at story and dialog by people who can't write stories or perform dialog.

So what you get is a movie that is half a loaf. Not good at story telling and not good at erotica, either.

The actresses in this film are porn regulars, but obviously weren't being paid enough to go all the way.

The plot is that the frigid planet of Aquaterra sends two hot Asian babes to collect semen (in a milk bottle!) to reinvigorate their planet. Which begs a couple of questions. Wouldn't half the resulting babies be male? Wouldn't you have inbreeding issues down the line with only a handful of male donors?

Well, doesn't matter. We get the small bits of dialog between sex scenes, along with some sinister government agents who don't get haircuts because they are on their way to shoot some other porn film, so they string it back in a ponytail so we won't notice.

It's a one-joke movie that drags the joke on for an hour and a half.
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