Review of W.

W. (I) (2008)
Near Masterpiece of a Film
17 February 2009
I am not surprised that how Bush supporters are bashing this movie and mildly amused at how there are a lot of people who hate Bush who dislike this movie. I see numerous complaints of what was left out, how people in Bushs's cabinet were made into caricatures, that Bush was made undeservedly sympathetic.

What I say to all of this is what could had been done better in the constraints of a movie? The contrived high level meetings portrayed the essence of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove and Powell. All of the actors had me believing they were the people they portrayed who were part of the George W Bush Presidency. The movie brilliantly showed Bush's great ability to remember names and ingratiate himself to them. The movie provided a positive portrayal of Christian minister helping George Bush, something you shouldn't expect to see from a "liberal".

The choice of James Cromwell as George Bush Sr was genius. Cromwell did not portray Bush as America had seen him, he portrayed a father a son is trying to live up to. Trying to live up to daddy's approval as a driving force is the distinguishing trait of Bush's Presidency and one this movie was did an admirable job of showing and making the main theme, albeit a bit heavy handed in spots.

There will be future movies made about Bush which will be far more critical than this movie. But it will be difficult for any to be better.
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