Excellent film...
17 February 2009
THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON works best when thought of as a sort of fantasy or fairy tale rather than a complex science fiction about the Chaos Theory and Time. It is essentially a heartwarming and compellingly engrossing Motion Picture that one surely has to see to believe. There is no wonder that comparisons have been made with FORREST GUMP, as they are essentially similar-type movies. THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON takes a life of its own, however, especially after the hour mark, when Brad Pitt appears. FORREST GUMP was perhaps a better film overall, but THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON is more thought-provoking, and there are various hidden elements and undertones pervading the wonderful story and script.

David Fincher infuses his own dark style of direction that many have come to love (myself included; both FIGHT CLUB and SE7EN feature well in my Top 20) though this may be his most lighthearted film to date. His nomination for Best Director was undoubtedly deserved.

Brad Pitt is adequate but not really outstanding, and I can think of a few performances that should have been given the nomination over his. It is not for a lack of effort on his part; it's just that he lacks the requisite range for such a complex character. His portrayal of the young Button is youthful and energetic, but not as an old and experienced man trapped inside a young man's body. Likewise, his portrayal of the old Button is that of a feeble and weakened man, and not that of a young man trapped inside an old man's fragile body. The story of Benjamin Button is supposed to be a melancholy one in hindsight, and Pitt lacks that sense of melancholy that such a unique and difficult character should exhibit. His nomination did not come as a surprise but it is unlikely that it will result in victory.

THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON stands a better chance of winning the technical awards rather than the acting, directing, and writing ones. The movie is simply beautiful, and should not be missed. The screenplay is intelligent and well-constructed. THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON is an excellent film that warrants discussion. 8/10. 3.5 stars (out of 4). Should enter my Top 200 at 192. Unreservedly recommended.
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