A Put Up Job (1932)
A remake of ONE WEEK--minus Keaton
5 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In 1920, the great Buster Keaton made one of his best short films, ONE WEEK. It was about a young couple who married and were given a plot of land and a house as a wedding present. However, a rival in love decides to play a dirty trick on them and mixes up the instructions--resulting in a bizarre looking and hilarious house that you just have to see.

Well, in 1931, the exact same film was remade but this time starring lesser actors and with sound. Well, this version isn't bad, but adding sound didn't help that much and it just wasn't the same without Keaton--who was just terrific and so physically agile and able to take a blow. This one, because it lacks Keaton, seemed rather tame and a bit of a disappointment. There just wasn't enough new stuff to merit the remake, so I suggest you see the original instead. However, if you insist on seeing it, try finding "The Paramount Comedy Shorts 1929 - 1933 - Cavalcade of Comedy" on DVD. Aside from this unnecessary remake, it's got a lot of other early sound comedies--some of which are quite funny.
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