when Shirley was just a cute kid
3 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first few films that Shirley made showed her as a cute, talented youngster in situations were the adults were adults and made most of the decisions. This was one of the few films where she had both a father and mother (who were fit and well). With "The Little Colonel" (1935) she became a star and appropriate vehicles were written so all the other actors supported her. I prefer the earlier films (when I watch Shirley Temple at all) when she was just a cute kid who was treated like a child by the adults around her.

Kay (gorgeous Claire Trevor) is going to Ossining to meet Eddie Ellison who has just got out of Sing Sing. They are then off to Niagara Falls to be married. On the train she bumps into Welch (Alan Dinehart), a sleazy private investigator. He has always had a soft spot for her but she has never forgiven him for sending Eddie to jail. There is a nice scene at Niagara Falls where Eddie and Kay plan their future. (Dunn and Trevor made a couple of films together and have an easy camaraderie). Six years later Eddie is a chauffeur at the wealthy Carson residence and he has also secured his friend Larry Scott a job. Adorable Shirley Temple plays their little daughter Shirley, who we first meet at a dancing school where she is showing her mother a new step she has learned. There are several scenes involving Shirley doing cute things (playing hide and seek with her daddy, doing morning exercises with her mother).

The main story is more dramatic than the usual Temple fare with Ellison and Scott trying to go straight. They are being stymied at every turn by Welch, who has a vendetta against them. Another inmate, Trigger,(Ralf Harolde) is released and steals some pearls from the Carson residence. Ellison and Scott, who have kept quiet about their stay in the big house are found out and reluctantly asked to leave their jobs. That night there is a big rooftop party for Shirley and she (looking completely gorgeous in a frilly pink party dress) and Eddie steal the show with a catchy and comic rendition of "On Accounta I Love You". They also do a cute dance. It is clear that she and Dunn had great chemistry together.

Trigger sees Shirley playing in the street and gives her the pearls to hide - she instantly starts a hide and seek game with her unsuspecting dad, his friend Larry and Welch. The pearls eventually end up in a carpet sweeper, the carpet sweeper is emptied in the trash and the pearls are gone. There is an exciting chase across the rooftops with Trigger kidnapping little Shirley. (Is this the first and only time Shirley was manhandled by a baddie???) There is a shoot out with Eddie hurt but in the end triumphant.

You somehow know Claire Trevor is destined for better things. She doesn't have a lot to do but makes the most of the key scenes she has.

Greatly Recommended.
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