Review of Transformers

Transformers (2007)
Aaarrrrggg.... Michael Bay
3 February 2009
Finally broke down and gave this film a chance. Was a big Transformers fan when I was a kid, more of the toys than the cartoon. So I saw the commercial for the sequel and decided I would finally rent this one, I am often amazed at movies with giant budgets like this one. Ultimately they seem to have no sense of themselves. They are so far gone from reality, and not even close to enjoyable. I am not talking about about far-fetched concepts like transforming alien lifeforms that just so happen to look an awful lot like cars and planes of our world. You suspend that disbelief when you buy a ticket, or rent this movie. But so much unnecessary dialog, and situations. I feel like the premise for how this concept (transforming robots locked in mortal combat)was going to be handled was ill-conceived at best. Michael Bay. I won't go into it too much. I'd be here all day. I'll just say, his visuals are absolutely stunning, but there is NOTHING holding them together. Total, total hack. I wanted to watch an action film that I could just shut my brain off and enjoy. Unfortunately I just can't force myself to be stupid enough for this film. Now G.I. Joe may fall next. (sigh) Those were the only two things I liked about the 80's.
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