A decent story idea--and a lot better than you'd expect for the money
29 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
THE AMAZING Asian is a rather rough short film--with a funny plot and a lot of jokes--some of which work and some of which don't. However, because the story has a lot of energy and was made for practically nothing, I strongly recommend it and can respect the job these folks did.

The film is about an evil stupor-villain who plans on making a giant meteor hit the Earth (though how he plans on avoiding getting killed along with everyone else is a puzzler). With the planet in peril, the superhero who gets no respect (or dental plan), The Amazing Asian, is called to the rescue. He and the other characters are all rather lame and the jokes are a mile a minute. Not surprisingly, by the end, the Earth is saved and now our hero has the respect of a grateful world...or not.

The film has cheesy effects and the back story of The Amazing Asian is weak--all done in second-rate animation. But once again, for the money spent and the lack of formal experience everyone had who made this, the results are exceptional and worth a look--particularly if you need tips on efficient film making.
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