The Simpsons: Wild Barts Can't Be Broken (1999)
Season 10, Episode 11
Painfully juvenile
27 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I know this review will inevitably be rated "not useful" by this episode's fans (I know there are some), but here goes. The plot of this episode: Homer and his friends get drunk and trash the elementary school, and the police blame Springfield's children and enforce a curfew. When the kids violate curfew to see a movie, they're caught and punished. In revenge, the kids go on the radio and tell the shameful secrets of their parents.

This episode starts reasonably well but then goes downhill starting with the drunk driving scene. That was socially irresponsible and arguably makes Homer too unlikeable. Then this episode finds its theme- it's the struggle between kids and adults, with the message apparently being that adults are oppressive and kids can fight back. This might appeal to kids with a rebellious streak, but I'm not sure why anyone else would be interested in that. The Simpsons is, after all, supposed to be an adult cartoon, even when it's about a kid with a rebellious streak (Bart). That's part of the show's genius and it's lost here. But it's not just the plot that's aiming to appeal to kids- there's the juvenile jokes that seem to be intended primarily for younger viewers. At one point the kids accuse the adults of "scratching their big butts"; there's the kids in the horror movie pointing out that village person may have defecated in his pants; then Nelson moons Skinner through a window; then there's Nelson spray painting over Wiggum's butt; then there's Nelson (again!) using the phrase "like your farts don't stink." Arguably, the plot doesn't really work, since the adults would know who's responsible for the radio show. It all builds up to a song that's more embarrassing than anything. Again, I think it was aiming to appeal mostly to children. Otherwise, this isn't a particularly funny episode. It's not completely without laughs, though.
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