The Fugitive (1910)
Griffith and the Civil War
25 January 2009
Fugitive, The (1910)

*** (out of 4)

Two soldiers, John the Southerner (Edwin August) and John the Northerner (Edward Dillon) leave their sweethearts and mothers behind to go fight in the war. Of course the two end up meeting on the battle field where the Southerner is killed. Soon afterwards the Northerner tries to take shelter at the home of his victim's mother. This is another interesting short from Griffith dealing with the Civil War. As you may notice none of them are that traditional and instead of doing an easy story the director tries to look at different aspects of the war. This time out the film really looks at the women who are often left behind wondering if their son or lovers will ever return. That aspect is a unique one and makes this film worth watching even when the story itself becomes a little far fetched. The two actors playing the soldiers do a fine job but it's Kate Bruce who steals the show as the Union soldiers mother. Dorothy West has a small role as well.
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