Nemesis 2: Nebula (1995 Video)
A cyborg in Africa
11 January 2009
In 2077, the cyborgs have won the war against humanity which they started in the first part. Baby Alex is sent back in time to 1980, so she can safely grow up in the 20th century - and become the star of part 2. Stranded in Africa, the girl is raised by a native tribe who is one day attacked by Nebula, a warrior from the future. Her enemies did obviously discover Alex finally, and she has got only a knife at first to fight the heavily armored cyborg. So she is mostly on the run, also attacked by human enemies, (a rebel army), and on top of that, she also tries to rescue 2 American girls. Sounds like a mission impossible, doesn't it? But Sue Price in her first movie is quite a show with her muscles. Pyun dared giving the Stallone/Schwarzenegger role to a woman, and then look at the locations: a fight against a robot - that's something you'd expect to happen on a space station or a dark rainy city a la Blade Runner. Instead, Pyun takes us into a bright, sunny Africa (shot in Arizona, though) and the first third of the movie is just about Alex' initiation as a warrior, with dialogs in the tribe's language and subtitles. Strong colors and wide angle shots of barren landscapes make it look really good. The remaining two thirds of „Nemesis 2" are less remarkable: a constant battle, you can't get some popcorn before the next grenade explodes. Since the hunter has got a lot more technical options (radar, infra-red, audio scanning, laser, whatever), his prey stands no chance normally, but has a strong survival instinct. The ending titles already announce „Nemesis 3: Time lapse". I watched the 4 Nemesis movies (which I watched first in the 1990s) again now in chronological order for my reviews and voted 7/7/5/5.
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