Not a good comedy!
28 December 2008
My early review was favourable towards this movie apparently. I just watched this movie again recently. Not a good movie. are my RATINGS:


Amitabh Bachchan -- 7/10 (Some of the comic scenes work...some don't)

Sanjay Dutt -- 6/10 (nothing funny given to him)

Ajay Devgan -- 8/10 (manages to make some unfunny moments funny)

Aishwariya Rai -- 3/10 (has nothing much to do)

Paresh Rawal -- 7/10 (good in small role)

Other Supporting Actors -- 5/10 (not much funny with 'em)


Story -- 1/10 (wtf is the story???)

Screenplay -- 1/10 (total mess)

Lyrics -- 1/10 (not impressed)

Music -- 2/10 (except for one song, it fails to impress)

Direction -- 1/10 (the movie's lost (pun intended)) OVERALL ----- (ROUNDED) 1/10

It's only getting 2 because of the decent performances largely let down by the crap everything else...
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