Carnivorous (2007)
Why such a low IMDb rating?
27 December 2008
Carnivorous certainly isn't the best movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it's SUPER-LOW IMDb score definitely makes it seem worse than it really is. Yes, the film is shot almost entirely in green screen with the actors added into artificial backgrounds. This effect is awkward at the immediate beginning, but once you get used to it, it isn't really that bad. There are a couple of scenes throughout the movie where I thought, "Woah, that actually looks really cool!" In particular there is a floating drawbridge scene that stands out (you will know it when you see it). Also, the acting isn't the greatest, but when you are filming an ULTRA-LOW BUDGET movie in WISCONSIN of all places (and I can say that because I live 20 minutes from the border), I don't expect Oscar quality performances.

Anyway, the movie was never BORING, which is my definition of a bad movie. A movie can be as cheesy and goofy and have all the bad special effects it wants to, but as long as it ENTERTAINS me for an hour and a half, I don't consider it a failure. Carnivorous entertained me immensely for its entire running time....I was SUPER tired when I started watching it, and was sure I would fall asleep...but I didn't.... and I wouldn't even mind watching it again. I'm very curious to see what the director Drew Maxwell is working on next!

Brett Heitkam
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