Prince of Tennis compared to the anime
26 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Free: I also found it a fun movie and loved the effects capturing the exaggerated things/shots (which is really what make anime/manga so damn cool).

Now for the real comparison. It had a tight storyline, and can't expect 68(minus fillers of course) episodes worth of material to be in 1 movie. Still there was some things that could have been better.

Spoilers Start: -For one the main character (Echizen Ryoma) in the movie had a facial expression on all the time that looked like he was gonna start crying anytime. I guess it was supposed to be the cool slightly arrogant look from the anime/manga that sums up his personality but they actor just didn't hit it IMO. On the plus side he did do the voice pretty spot on!

-Secondly I don't see why they jump right past the matches of Echizen becoming a regular. I mean they even tell him not to get his nose up after a regular spot on the team cause he is a first year and then we see like the shortest montage ever that doesn't even show anything and next you know he is a regular. I could really only get it cause I know the anime. (I know it not vital for the story but some consistency would be nice)

-The fact that Echizen drops his racket at full speed so it shatters on the pole has to have at least SOME build up. I mean people watching it considers Echizen this tennis prodigy who can like copy all moves he sees, why the hell would he drop his racket like that for no reason? In the series it happens over like 2 episodes where it is explained his opponent uses shots with a certain spin that after a long time makes Echizen lose all feeling in his arm for a few seconds, which is why he drops it. Could at least have shown Echizen close up going: "awww my arm" or something.

-Last big thing that is missing IMO is the chemistry between the team. Some of them are fine like Eiji and Fuji but otherwise there just isn't the team spirit which should push them to their limits and it seems kinda superficial at times.

Aside from a few other small things it was a really entertaining and good movie. Really like the Atobe in the movie better than the one in the anime. The dad and bad guy (Higaki Egate) were also really good.

Last I want to say that I am not a big fan of the anime I just find it entertaining and worthwhile, like the movie :)
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