Camilla (1994)
Two Artists Going On A Trip...Searching For The Same Thing
20 December 2008
A little slow moving perhaps (even though it's a small film) but for me 'Camilla' was worth the watch for Jessica Tandy who delivers a beautiful final performance. Deepa Mehta's execution is quite alright though perhaps she would have benefited more with more finance. She does use a lot of detailed references, for instance a painting of artist Frida Kahlo at Frida's apartment (hinting on the association between both women). I liked how Tandy's character was introduced and how Fonda's Freda is both intrigued and amused by this enigmatic but lovely older lady and eventually they head on a journey searching for the same thing, that thing which everyone searches. The scenes between Fonda and Tandy are both fun and moving to watch. Fonda holds her own. The score is gentle and of course Brahm's piece is almost always a good listen. Overall, for me it was a good enough watch for a quiet tired evening.
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