Californication: La Petite Mort (2008)
Season 2, Episode 12
Arugably the best season finale of a half hour show. ever
14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you read this before you see the episode I will basically ruin the whole thing for you.

The finale of Season 2 of Californication, to me, is arguably the best season finale of any half-hour television show (at least the one's I have seen).

It was funny, it was sad, and most importantly, it left you wanting sooo much more.

Charlie left Marcy on the previous episode for Daisy, giving up basically any money or job he had, but now it seems as if he wants Marcy back. Cliffhanger.

Mia leaves for Arizona, which is cool with me because she was a conniving bitch.

Sonia has the baby, turns out it was a black baby: ipso facto--not Hank's. Problem solved.

Damien turned out to be quite apologetic to Hank, stating that he never got a kiss from a girl before right off the bat, so he felt compelled to kiss her back. So far so good.

Now, the two biggest parts of the show: arguably the two saddest parts.

To start the episode, we see Hank finishing up the Ashby book. He then sees Ashby in the doorway and they begin a heart-whelming speech that could bring tears and a smile at the same time. However, as it turns out, Ashby was a figment of his imagination, as the overdose he acquired in the previous episode .. was fatal. Probably my favorite co-character of Season 2 died, which upset me greatly, but everything Ashby ever did in the season, was amazing.

Finally, Karen gets a job in New York and tells Hank that she's taking Becca with her and that he's not invited (mainly because of the situation with Sonia which was not resolved yet). Upon the birth of the baby, Karen and Hank have sex and Karen changes her mind. By the end of the episode, we see Hank, Karen, and Becca packing for New York. And just when it seems like a happy ending, Damien comes along and apologizes to Becca (which Hank then says 'well-played' to Damien). Damien and Becca go for a walk and Karen tells Hank she feels bad that she has to re-break up Damien and Becca. And here is where the epitome of the greatness of this show comes into effect: Hank tells Karen she does not have to by stating that he will stay in Cali with Becca and Karen can go to New York for her dream job.

Alright now that I'm done ranting, I'll sum up. This episode epitomizes the comedy-drama-romance trio of television. In just two seasons, the viewer feels so connected with Hank and most of the other characters, and I really wish the episodes were an hour long (same as Entourage). I really cannot wait for Season 3: it cannot come soon enough.
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