Dasvidaniya (2008)
It is difficult to be simple
13 December 2008
I was definitely in two minds before watching Dasvidaniya, primarily due to two reasons:

  • The plot which seemed to be tending towards a tragedy (on the basis of the title and trailers)

  • The mellow reaction from people who had seen the movie and the majority that had not

I must say that I do not regret my decision at all.

Dasvidaniya is touching without trying to be a tear jerker. The humor is enjoyable and subtle. The director conveys an important message without making the movie heavy. Dasvidaniya is deep yet light and refreshingly different, which is what I liked most about it. Vinay Pathak has done a great job with a very sensitive yet solid performance while the supporting cast fits in perfectly.

Dasvidaniya leaves the audience with that simple yet powerful message of 'Life is beautiful', I recommend the movie to everyone.
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