Lesser Chaplin
2 December 2008
His Favorite Pastime (1914)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Charles Chaplin plays the town drunk who walks into a local bar and starts throwing them down. Soon he can't walk straight but that doesn't stop him from getting on everyone's nerves. The annoying drunk had been done to death by 1914 and it had been done to death by Chaplin even though this was only his seventh movie. I'm really not sure what Chaplin thought of these films but this one here is pretty darn weak from start to finish with very few laughs. Once again we get to see Chaplin stumble around, pick fights and flirt with women who belong to other men. None of this is funny and what's worse is that it appears Chaplin is just sleepwalking through the film. You certainly can't blame here because I didn't see a single attempt at anything even trying to be funny. Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle has a small role at the start of the film but just stumbles around as another drunk. Even if laughs could come from drunks, this one here features rather mean drunks, which again just isn't funny.
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