Good Film
2 December 2008
Frogs Who Wanted a King, The (1923)

*** (out of 4)

aka Grenouilles qui demandent un roi, Les

French puppet/animated short has a group of frogs asking for a King so that they can live better. God sends something down but the frogs begin to ask questions so God seeks revenge. This was a rather interesting little film as it certainly isn't for kids and it does fit the "weird" label where you can find it on countless compilations. This was originally meant as an anti-government thing where the director, having been kicked out of his own country, asks the viewer why would they want their government to step in when you can handle things on your own. The story is told is a rather dark and bleak manor with only light touches of comedy thrown in. I doubt kids of today would enjoy a silent, animated film but if they were to watch this then I'm sure they'd break down into tears.
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