Review of Mongrel

Mongrel (1982)
Play Dead … Please!
30 November 2008
In a ramshackle Texan boardinghouse, where the imbecilic tenants continuously play pranks on each other, one of the gags runs terribly out of hand and the new arrival kid gets killed. This event is more or less the sole thing that makes a little sense in the entire plot of "Mongrel"; a deservedly rare and unimaginably poor early 80's piece of horror crap that I already regret watching. After the deadly accident, the other tenants start getting killed off as well, and it seemingly all relates to this geeky boy's childhood trauma involving big dogs. Is there a monstrous dog on the loose on the premises (whose growling sounds like a fat 80-year-old farmer with asthma) or is the whole thing just another lousy prank? "Mongrel" is a really, really, really ... REALLY bad movie! The plot doesn't make a lick of sense and, on top of all the incompetence; it's also very boring. The denouement is just absurd and hasn't got that much to see with the events depicted during the first hour of the film. The acting's horrible, the music is atrocious and the art-direction is truly hideous. To end with at least some sort of positive note, the vast majority of the nearly non-existent budget clearly went to the make-up effects.
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