Alive or Dead (2008)
23 November 2008
First off to the person under the name "serious laughter" your a complete moron girl or not I have met girls who love gore and guts and all that lovely stuff this movie was not scary it made no sense at all!! There was no real plot NOTHING was explained at all you have a fun tard for hillbilly who looks like something that escaped from the retard house and has either some serious anger issues and messed up on cocaine he is fatter than peter griffin at a cake factory but yet with 3 bullets in him something the doctor in the robe shot him up with,beat up he can run faster than a school bus!! How in the hell did that dude manage to get over to the original location of where that bus was found at the same time the girls did maybe 3 seconds after!!And the director is so poor at his job he stole a couple ideas from the hills have eyes flick!! WHAT!! No real plot and like maybe some others said if there was a twist there was a very poor attempt at it!! The girls can't act if their life depended on it corny jokes did not help them much either what kind of "slasher" film was this very minimal blood!!Just to finish this fast it is a worthless piece of trash and needs to be pulled
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