Poor Short
14 November 2008
Shivering Shakespeare (1930)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Kennedy the Cop's wife puts on a play of "Quo Vadis" and wouldn't you know that she casts the gang to major parts. The first night of the play kicks off and naturally the kids begin to forget their lines and more bad stuff happens, which all leads to a big pie fight. Once again it seems the screenwriter didn't even try to make this thing funny. I'm sitting and watching this short and kept asking myself where it was trying to gain comedy from. From the forgotten lines? This didn't work. From the curtains falling at the wrong time? Perhaps this was suppose to be funny but it's not. Is the pie fight suppose to be funny? Well, I guess it is but I've yet to watch one that has made me laugh. I'm only familiar with the later day shorts and some of the silents but I'm finding those so much better than these early sound ones. Hopefully I'll run into some better ones soon.
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