Contour (2006 Video)
80s Hong Kong action resurrected
10 November 2008
I usually can't watch indie movies that have this lifeless cinematography that TV documentaries have, it looks cheap, cold and boring. BUT... Contour went to the action in the first few minutes and there it delivered and kept me watching.

The acting in this movie is not for everyone. These guys are no Oscar-drama actors but they capture the fun and spirit of 80s Hong Kong flicks and the humor, as well in the acting as in the fight scenes, reminded me of earlier Jackie Chan movies. It's like a comic come to life and if you can forgive the horrible editing in the non-fight-scenes and like the cheesy humor you're going to have a great time watching the whole thing.

The fight scenes are just awesome. They use the complete environment around them and go at it with everything they can get their hands on or throw somebody into and they never take themselves too serious. Every actor uses a different fighting style and you see a lot of artistic falling, jumping and kicking out of every possible angle.

This was the first movie of The Stunt People I've seen but after writing this I'll order some more. I think in time this group could become a big name in martial arts movies and I can't wait to see what they will do when the budget becomes a little bit more serious.
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