Bikini Bloodbath (2006 Video)
A Great Movie To Watch With Your Friends
29 October 2008
If you watch this movie expecting something like a Spike Lee or Michael Bay film, then you will definitely be disappointed. Bikini Bloodbath is an all out array of jokes, blood, boobs, and slapstick. These guys are either genius or clinically insane, but in any case they know how to make a movie that you can sit back and laugh with. Many of the gags in the film will fly right over your head, but that is what adds to the humor of the whole thing. The dialogue is written so that every line leads to a joke... or a death. Even the fictional band "White Liger", which plays many of the songs in the film, is ridiculously funny. A side-splitting comedy with some of the most beautiful ladies can't be bad. For what the directors were going for, they hit it perfectly as this is by far one of my favorite independent horror films to date.
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