Death Proof (2007)
Is this the worst road movie of all time?
27 October 2008
A genuinely awful movie that could barely even make the grade as "just plain bad". Amateurish, dull, lifeless, the film fails on just about every level. The action is brief, the dialogue juvenile, verbose and repetitive, the plot nonsensical, the acting cardboard. Worse still the film completely misses the spirit of the 70's road movies it attempts to parody. A clumsy attempt at scratching the film-stock and splicing a few jumpy edits does nothing to make this film feel even vaguely authentic. You'll need a whole jar of coffee just to keep awake through this plodding mess. Typical Tarantino-esquire attempts at hip-ness fall flat on their face every time and are all wildly misplaced. Which is all a shame because this could have been a sort of "Thelma and Lousie meet Vanishing Point" of a movie rather than something that looks like a Z-grade film student effort. Risible and awful beyond belief.
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