The Response (2008)
Thought provoking and powerful
23 October 2008
Truly, an excellent film. The Response illustrates the legal catch-22 that the Guantanamo detainees face while 'guests' of the United States. The film shows exactly the state of affairs (as it stands at this moment) when our basic Constitutional rights come in conflict with our fear of terrorism.

The cinematography, while and independent film, it well done. Of course, the stellar cast of Kate Mulgrew, Peter Riegert & Aasif Mandvi help to create a visible tension that helps the viewer feel the frustration felt from not only the detainee but the Tribunal counsel as well.

Sig Libowitz's performance ultimately shows the end result of such conflict, leaving us to mull over what is fair versus what is just in this post 9/11 America.

A film everyone should see. And I can say that as a non-lawyer, plain Jane citizen. This movie really has me thinking where will the line be drawn as far as Constitutional rights for all US citizens; not just those accused of crimes against our nation.
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