August Underground's Boredom
20 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this directly after watching August Underground.

What a let down. Horrorbrain said this was the number 1 sickest film. This is total rubbish. They also said that toe-tag are the masters of gore.

When the woman pulls the other woman's nipple ring off at the end, you can see her just put the gore in place on the nipple. Come on... how is this "masters" of gore. Ridiculous. And earlier the main woman "cuts" her stomach, basically she just rubs some gore on herself and its blindingly obvious that this is what she is doing. Yeah this is "mastery"...

When the guy gets killed with a hammer in the second scene, the main character looks like he is arranging some pillows or something, way too gentle. The leg wobbling is a copy of Texas chainsaw massacre.

The penis cutting scene is actually pretty good. I give you some points for this.

The so called puking scenes, should be called dribble scenes - lame. If you want puking, you can see this for real in Japanese porn. I read a review and some dude was like "oh man its like the ones being puked on are not enjoying it and the ones doing the puking are".

First of all, the woman character just dribbles a bit on the other women, there isn't any proper puking. Secondly, the women being "puked" on alternate between bad acting and what seriously looks like laughing.

The disembowelment scene - disembowelment is painful, not funny. So why is the woman laughing her head off? Bad acting. Also its really amateur.

Maggot then shags the stomach wound. This is pretty dumb because there could be some hydrochloric acid in there. Its funny to watch his stupid expressions of "passion".

Dead baby is quite good in the shed scene. Eating the "maggots" off the baby was lame. He could have actually ate a maggot for this but you can't see anything.

The kid being raped in the bathtub scene is pretty clucked up. It doesn't really look like he is raping the kid but the kid is a real kid. The producers are morally reprehensible for doing this. I'd be interested to know how they did this, how old was the kid etc?

Again in this film, there is no plot, apart from some "character development" and the little tiff between maggot and main character, over the main girl.

Well alright, I was mildly entertained by this movie but it is over- hyped beyond belief.

The only thing that is sick about this film is the fact they depicted kiddie rape. Its not like its super graphic or realistic, its just the fact that they felt the need to include it.

The rest of the film looks like some teenager's shooting a school horror project or something. This is really going to annoy all the fan-boys but the scene in Hostel with the eye at the end is about 50 times more compelling and reaction generating than anything in this movie.
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