'Sabat-oo-gee' Or Not,'The Boys Prevail & Do Another Good Deed
14 October 2008
Times sure have changed. All one has to do is look at sign in a Three Stooges short. Here, the opening scene reads, "Haven Haven Hotel - Rooms $1 A Month - Free Showers When It Rains." Corny? Of course, but those signs in these films during the 1930s and 1940s were always fun to read, whether it advertised what line of work the Stooges were in for a particular store, or where they happened to be.....or, in this case, where they've just been thrown out of for nonpayment of rent. Hey, they were only eight months in arrears.

Later, a sign says, "The Chisel Inn Hotel - presents Nil, Null & Void - 3 Hams Who Lay Their Own Eggs - Appearing in the Kokonuts Grove."


Corny or whatever, the boys have a good heart and try to help an old lady keep her motel. She's being threatened with eviction and she can't afford to spruce up the place and get more business. The Stooges offer their help. As they try to fix up the place, they go through some of their typical-but-funny screw-ups.

I guess it's just "saba-toogee," as Curly says....but they get the job done somehow and the place looks stunning! Despite their ineptness, the Stooges always help out nice people in need, an endearing quality of these nitwits. Here, they bail out this nice old lady.

Along the way, we get entertained by an inadvertent magic act by Curly, which is fun to watch. So is his dancing. Curly was pretty light on his feet "for a fat guy," as his partner points out.

Overall, this was an excellent Three Stooges movie, filled with a lot of laughs. The boys were on a roll during this period.
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