Honey West: Just the Bear Facts, Ma'am (1966)
Season 1, Episode 28
OK dream sequence can't save this dud
11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You would think that an episode with a dream sequence in it would be worth a look, but this is another forgettable offering, which aired as the series headed into its home stretch. Honey and Sam make a movie (actually, two movies, a western and a horror picture) within a movie (actually, a TV ep, of course) when they are hired to find out if an apparent accident that killed a stunt-woman was actually murder.

The most notable development for the series is that, in her dream sequence, Honey possibly betrays her attraction to Sam. However, this is overshadowed by an antique clock motif that turns out to be Honey's unconscious trying to point her toward a clue in the case.

The humor turns on Western clichés like "They went that away" and Honey and Sam playing at quick-draw showdowns. As if to reference the guy in the bad gorilla suit from an earlier episode, Sam wears a bear suit and stands in for a real bear that is used for close-ups by the movie studio. At the end, Sam is offered a contract to play a bear in other movies, much to Honey's annoyance, since she thought she might get an offer.

All of this revolves around a thin plot about uninteresting villains, who have been using the studio's prop department to hide stolen goods. Naturally, they resort to murder when anyone becomes the least bit suspicious.
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