Review of Space Seed

Star Trek: Space Seed (1967)
Season 1, Episode 22
incredible TV
10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched 'Space Seed' last night again; i've seen it dozens of times already. I know every line and every scene by heart. It's great fun to read reviews from 2008 of this TV show from 1967. That shows how strong the material is.

For me, the best part is Marc Daniels's direction. Visually, Daniels does such a great job here that the show serves as an example to young filmmakers. This episode serves as an excellent example of the potential for TV to be deeply compelling.

Kirk meets his match in Kahn, the thoroughly vicious, absolute ruler of 25% of 1990's Earth and product of controlled breeding who has been in suspended animation for two centuries. I can't remember when the idea of genetic superiority has been as simply and brutally told--at least on TV. I think that's why the story resonates with so many people; and why people are still writing about it today.

Many of us (guys) have had experiences with bullies on playgrounds in our youth. This episode brings the bully into the science fiction canon. Montalban's Khan is genuinely menacing; leading to a thoroughly rich climax. Naturally this involves a fight between Kirk and Khan (and the stunt men, who are pretty obvious) over control of the Enterprise. I love how Kirk wins the fight; it suggests that while Khan has the superior physique, Kirk possibly has the greater will to win.

They don't make TV anywhere close to this anymore. I'd rather watch Space Seed over and over before seeing any contemporary TV show.
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