Evan Almighty (2007)
Not bad, but a little bit preachy
7 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I quite liked this movie. Steve Carell was very funny, the dialogue was realistic and humorous, John Goodman was quite convincing as a villain, and the effects were *awesome*.

There's just one problem I had with it. It was really quite preachy.

Now, I'm not what you'd call religious. I like the idea of worshipping a higher power, but the whole organized-religion thing just turns me off. Which is why this movie really bothered me; it seems that at every turn, they were shoving the Bible in my face. The whole ending message was also really lame, and ridiculously sappy. The dove with the olive branch, I ASK YOU. And Steve Carell's line: "He chose all of us." (the word He referring to God.) Ugh.

Ultimately, it was a funny, light-hearted movie that was spoiled by the amount of religious propaganda they shoved in there. I liked it, but I don't recommend it for non-Christians. It will only anger you.
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