Death Note (2006–2007)
How to become God!!!
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that I'm not a die hard Anime fan but this title has made me want to explore more! Since watching I have open up to the genre! I have never read the manga but now I really want to give it a try. The story follows a young high school student named Light. He is preparing to leave for college in hopes of pursing work in law; just like his father. He is deeply troubled by the mass number of crimes committed all over the world and is out raged with how Japans worst criminals seem to be able to just walk away unpunished.

During this time we also find a different world that is ruled by Death Gods. Higher beings that takes the lives of humans by arranging there deaths. You think this would be an exciting world of horror and adventure but it would seem the world of the death gods is one of boredom. All they do is gamble and joke around causing the boredom for one Death God named Ryuk to become just too intense. Then we find ourselves back in the Human world and Light has discovers a strange note books with the title Death Note. In side there are instructions written in English.

"Who ever name is written in this book will die. Write the person name why picturing his/her face to avoid killing others by the same name. Once the name is written, write the cause of death in the next 40 seconds so that it can happen. If not, they will simply die of a heart of attack. If the cause of death is written then the details must be written in the next six minutes and 40 seconds so they can happen."

Light takes the book home thinking it's a Joke. That is until he test's it out on a pair of criminals with successful results. He latter learns that the Death Note belonged to Ryuk who had thrown the book in to the human world in hopes some one would use it. All in attempt to cure his boredom. Being the new owner of the book, Light decides to take it upon him self to kill ever criminal in Japan and the world. He starts to write the names of every criminal who appear on the news or internet causing them to die of heart attacks. After so many criminals start to die people start to suspect that someone is behind it all. The public comes to know this unknown killer as Kira, meaning killer. Light/Kira actions catches the attention of the world's Greatest Detective, L. A man who's true identity is unknown to all, even those he works with to solve the case. L Promised the public that he would find, catch and put Kira to death. Thus beings the big epic chest match between two rivals. The game is to find the true identity of the other first. If L wins Light go's to jail and receives death but if Light win's, L will die.

That all I will say about the plot. I don't want to give away to much, but it's very interesting to watch this story. When you first meet Light he looks like a nice guy who has noble intentions but as the story moves forward we watch him change in to a monster who's more evil then the people he kills. In fact you may find your self routing for those who are hunting him down more then him by the end of it all. The only down side to this series I can think of is half threw the story we start to meet characters that I found to be annoying, but these are minor draw backs and do not really have a big negative impact on a very good story. I tell you more about them but I would have spoiled too much. The story is very well thought out and well written. Ever move done by Light, L and other Characters is all about trying to stay one step ahead of there opponents. You will be on the edge of your seat as Light make his way to become a New God to rule a world with out crime; even if it means killing good people who stand in his way.

If your an Anime Fan, this is a must see. If your not, it's a great place to start.

That why I give Death Note a 9 out of 10.
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