Solidarity. (2005)
An interesting short about a soon-forgotten time period in history
2 October 2008
This short film was just posted on IMDb for viewing in the US, though hopefully it will be available in other countries for online viewing in the near future.

Although the film is set in Poland in 1982, the characters speak English. This is during the government crackdown on Solidarity and the Democratic movement, so the characters are not surprisingly on edge. After all, you never knew when the secret police would strike or even who was a member...perhaps even your neighbors or friends were in league with the repressive government.

This all comes to a head during an anniversary party. Times are tough and the food is meager, but a group of old friends still meets to celebrate life. However, when something unexpectedly happens, the group is not surprisingly thrown in chaos.

I applaud this film first for remembering these days under totalitarian Soviet domination. Despite only being a little over two decades ago, many have forgotten the struggle for freedom in Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, so the film is a nice reminder of how things were. Additionally, the plot is very interesting--though perhaps not as much to people wanting explosions or action. Intellectually stimulating and well made--this film is a winner.
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