CSI: Miami: Deep Freeze (2007)
Season 6, Episode 5
Not A Good Role Model Nor A Guy With Classy Friends
25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder if Dan Marino watches this show and what he thought after this particular episode as it is about an older professional quarterback. They don't mention the real-life Hall Of Fame quarterback, of course, nor the Dolphins, but there are no other pro football teams in Miami. Hopefully, Marino is nothing like the guy pictured here, whom we discover through other people's comments wasn't a really a good role model worthy of adulation. Then again, people aren't too discerning about their sports heroes, anyway. If you star on the field and lead the local teams to victories, they don't care what you do on in your personal life.

However, people in this episode cared about the quarterback......enough to rob him and kill him and try to make money off his death. That's basically the storyline here as we see the gridiron star talking to some sexy woman on the phone, who is trying to get info out of him with her sex talk. (She turns out to be an obituary writer for a newspaper who wants bigger and better things in her writing career.) The next thing you know, we see the guy collapse on the floor with a knife stuck into his neck.

As the story unfolds, we learn about that knife wound, about irate girlfriends, wives, a greedy press agent, annoying cryogenics people who are paid to freeze dead bodies thinking they will be able to be brought back to life some day.....and a bunch of other oddball topics. In other words, the norm for a CSI program. All in all, it was an interesting episode.
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